Friday, April 5, 2013

The sweetness of spring !

Hey Everybody, tis the sweet season of the year :)  This is when the goodness of the trees gets to provide the maple nectar for this years pancakes.  Wow, that sounded kinda sappy huh (now that was sappy !)

After boiling for 13 days straight I ended up with 4 gallons of syrup.
The average stayed about 40-1, maybe a little better on the first batch.  I did it in 2 batches of almost a hundred gallons of sap per batch.

Here is a sample of my sugarin, enjoy   Dean

Stay tuned :)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I am feeling GOOD

Above: the 63 Owens I bought for $2,250.00

Below: a 67 Owens for sale $3,500.00 as is,

 Or: they will do a complete restoration, and I mean COMPLETE and provide a 2 year warranty for $36,500.00

I have been searching the internet for info on these boats, it seems there may only be a few left in existance.  I have found about 5 for sale in the last year and a half.

Here are a couple of them:

 This one, a 64 was listed for $29,900.00 there were no bidders.
And this one below: a 62 for $25,000.00

This one below has recently been sold for: $68,000.00


  So, I am feeling very good about my purchase, I think I can put some money into mine and have one hell of a boat worth a pretty penny too.
If you can help me find any info out there on these boats please let me know.  1964 Owens 40' Tahitian double cabin cruiser

Thanks, Dean                              

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We celebrated Mr. Pitman's birthday with a cake and cookies, ck it out.

It all started like this


Later, Dean